If only Skype Miles = regular air miles part 2

This Thursday was a wonderful opportunity to Skpye a few schools/teachers in one day.

It started off in Germany at Realschule Sundern, with Mr Marx' class

Then it moved on Mr Panthy in Nepal

Then we travelled to France with our good friend Mr Mespoulet and his friend Isabelle

Then we moved onto Ms Leah Montano in Vietnam

Now it was off to Europe....to Ms Laima's class in Lithuania

We then moved off to Taiwan to chat with our friend Lin-Lin - but as promised, we are not posting any photos (something about hair that had just been washed and she had a towel wrapped around it)
Don't worry Lin-Lin - we are grateful for the chat!

Finally we ended the day with Mr Smith's Class in Tewkesbury Gloucestershire, United Kingdom as part of their International Day.  Many teachers around the world Skyped their school and ran sessions with different classes.   We did a few brainteasers and juding by the smiles and laughter...  I think they had some fun!

I wonder where we will be travelling next.....?????


  1. Hello, there:

    I’m Hsu-Wan Chen from Taiwan, a graduate school student at National Taiwan Normal University. Currently I’m writing my master thesis which is entitled Applying Social Networking Sites to Teaching and Learning: from Teachers’ Perspective. Right now I’m looking for school teachers to be interviewed with their experiences of using social networking sites for educational purpose. If it is so, I would like to have a skype interview with you. Surely I will send you the interview protocol in advance and the interview will take about 20 minutes. Please feel free to contact me at: chenshuwan@gmail.com. I really appreciate your help!

    Hsu-Wan Chen


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